I really enjoyed this coming of age, finding your voice YA book. I know some are saying middle grade but for me it reads Middle School, High School and beyond and not middle grade. But I’d still give this to a 5th grader to read. I love that she stood up for what she believes in. Did I love that out of reaction she slapped a teacher as teacher slapped her each time. No, but again it was a reaction to being slapped herself. The teacher/nun was racist and needed to be fired from teaching but let’s face it we all know that was never going to happen. I loved the backdrop being the 70’s , so much went on. But for me this is where it fell flat a little. I wanted more historical event’s mentioned! I wanted more of what inspired her and what she was seeing around her. But we didn’t really get that, and I think that would have helped the reader really truly connect with Roberta. What I didn’t love is this book shows how she found her voice and grew strong! It shows the racial division that was ( and still is) going on but it was at a level without all the grit and violence so the younger middle grade reader might read it more over a more violent one. Overall I think school libraries and classrooms should have this book on their shelves. Even though the school backdrop is catholic school I don’t think that would deter anyone from reading it. I also think it should even be in Catholic schools but I know that will never happen. Because judging from the Catholic school my kids went to till we pulled them out so fast because they told me my oldest getting bullied would build her up, I seriously doubt they would buy it. Maybe I should buy them a copy and send it to them!
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